I was never a very good blogger…

Hello everyone!

First off, I am still following all of your journeys! Unfortunately I have still been struggling with my comments not loading. I have an email into support that will hopefully fix it. I think they are being recorded as spam! Maybe I am spam, but I certainly hope not! If you have a way to check your spam comments (I don’t even know how you would do this) and un-mark me as spam that would be awesome, otherwise you just get likes!

Secondly, I plan to still keep blogging occasionally to update on baby A and our potential escapades on TTC #2 (if that actually happens). I love following everyone’s journeys so even if I’m blogging infrequently, I will still be commenting (if my wordpress comment issue ever gets worked out).

Baby A is 3 months old now. She weighs 11lb 5oz, so 10 percentile. I think she’s just going to be a little lady for the foreseeable future. I’m hoping she continues to grow and thrive. We are still EBF. She frequently spits up so I assume she has silent reflux. It doesn’t seem to bother her so as long as her doctor is ok with her weight gain at her 4 month appointment next month, I’ll try not to worry too much about it. From 2 months to now she is gaining an average of 5.8oz per week.

She’s started rolling over from tummy to back around 11 weeks, but it’s fairly infrequent. She also seems to be trying to roll from back to tummy as she will arch to either side while she’s on her back. We get tons of smiles and lots of chatter, she’s so much fun. Her favorite activity is flying baby, where we play airplane with her up in the air. She loves the view from above! She also likes tummy time and music/dancing with Mommy and Daddy. Another favorite is bath time with Daddy, especially since he blow-drys her dry afterward. She LOVES the blow-dryer.

Sleep has gotten better now that we are co-sleeping (my pediatrician basically said that some babies are super high need and the only way to solve that problem is safe co-sleeping. He then said they co-slept with 2/3 of their kids, and he was always against it until he had kids of his own and struggled with sleep. He says that their 17 month old is still in bed with them. I don’t think I can go that long, but i’m hoping to at least get through until we can sleep train around 6 months. But my feelings on sleep training wax and wane so we will see what ends up happening). We use a snugglenest so she has her own space. Before that, she would only sleep maximum 1 hour in her crib or in a bedside co-sleeper before waking up and taking forever to go back to sleep. Now we can get a solid 4-5 hour stretch out of her (usually 11pm-3am). I try to put her down drowsy but awake for naps but she will only fall asleep on her own about 10% of the time. She only naps for about 40-60 minutes with the occasional unicorn nap for longer than 60 minutes!

I go back to work in a little over 2 weeks. We found a great in-home daycare on the way to my husbands work. She is incredible and I am so thankful we have her, as I feel comfortable leaving my baby with her. I just wish I had more than 16 weeks off with her (I am saving 2 weeks of my bonding time otherwise I could have had 18 weeks). I feel fortunate to have had this long, and all of it is paid due to me saving a ton of vacation (although let’s be real, the reason I have so much vacation is that it’s too hard to get time off of work approved because of union seniority..grr). Going back to work sounds good because I am looking forward to some adult time and using my brain in a different way, but I really just wish I had more time. I am also applying for new jobs that don’t have a weekend requirement as I would love to be off with my family on the weekends. hopefully that search doesn’t take too long!

Baby A got a cousin on my birthday in November! I’m honored to share my birthday with my niece. And we are super excited to have girl cousins (baby R was a wait until delivery to find out the sex). It’s been fun having my sister-in-law going through pregnancy and motherhood at about the same stages (she also suffered 2 losses before her successful pregnancy so we are able to support each other there as well).

In sad news, my grandfather and my husband’s grandmother passed away. My grandfather passed away in November and he had transitioned to hospice so it wasn’t a huge shock, although it has been very sad because of his passing obviously but also because my mom moved to southern California to care for my grandmother, and it’s hard having her away. My husbands grandmother passed away of a presumed heart attack on Christmas Eve, so Christmas was pretty awful this year. It was shocking that she went as she was only 76 and seemed to be in pretty good health. These things bring to mind the circle of life, in that we had our beautiful baby but life does not go on forever.

I hope you are all well.


17 thoughts on “I was never a very good blogger…

  1. Surviving Infertility

    We have been using the Snuggle Nest at night too! So glad to hear of someone else using it, makes me feel its safer. I didnt have a chance to talk to my ped about it yet. So glad to hear all is well with your girl!


  2. EmilyMaine

    So lovely to hear from you. I am so sorry for the losses your family has had this Christmas. šŸ˜¦ Send hugs for those.

    BeeGee had been a solid 40min catnapped foe days and at around 6 months has settled into having one or two 1.5-2 hour sleeps per day. Then maybe another nap. So hang in there. They sometimes just transition in their own. Nights still suck and I do a fair amount of co-sleeping which I am sick of but can’t stand the screaming to sleep train. So nice to have the two little girl cousins! My sis-in-law and I had our babies 11 days apart and they spent some time together at Xmas and it is just lovely. Good luck with the work return. That’s tough. Wonderful you have found someone awesome for daycare xx


    1. RJ Post author

      Wow good to hear that the sleep seems to work itself out. Yeah I think I will eventually have a post on sleep training and my thoughts about doing it. Awesome that you have cousins close in age too! Hope you are doing well!


  3. Amy M.

    I’m sorry you lost some family members, but congrats on more new babies in the family! I wish that C loved tummy time…she HATES it!! I feel like she’s just never going to roll over, because she hates it so much she basically just lifts her arms and legs so she’s balancing on her belly and cries. I don’t know what to do :-/ I tried tossing her in the air while I was sitting on the couch one day…she only went a couple inches above my fingers, and seemed fine at first, but then all of a sudden did the face crumple and screamed! Guess she doesn’t like heights yet lol!!! She’s talking tons too, and smiling and laughing, and it’s so much fun. So fun that our littles are so close in age, we can compare notes lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RJ Post author

      I think that lifting arms and legs is a great workout for her! I love reading your updates since the girls are so close! Like I said in my post I’ve been having a hard time with my comments and your blog was one of them. Grrr! I’ve been trying to comment on your past few posts and it didn’t work! But today I was able to comment on your teething post (and you liked it so I know it worked lol).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amy M.

        Hahaha! No worries. I’ve been wondering if anyone is even reading my posts anymore, because I get hardly any likes or comments anymore. I’ll be posting another update on C next week…almost 3 months already!!


  4. andthewindscreamsmary

    So glad to see an update! It sounds like Baby A is growing and thriving and I’m so happy for that. I look forward to future updates!
    Also, I am sorry for your losses. Losing family is never easy, especially around the holidays. My condolences to you and your husband.


    1. RJ Post author

      Thank you! Also unfortunately your blog is one of the ones I am having a hard time with so I have been silently cheering you on! Congrats on Mclovin!! I hope you’re doing well and I enjoy your updates.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dani

    Wow I’m so pleased to hear how much she has grown in 3 months and now in the 10 percentile!!! That’s wonderful!!! Although poor you with her not napping for too long šŸ˜ž

    I’m so sorry for your losses over the holidays, that really must have been very hard for you both.


    1. RJ Post author

      Thank you! I hope the napping gets better but honestly I can’t imagine it will! Probably bc I’m so used to this short nap routine!


  6. ourgreatestdesire

    I’m so happy to see an update from you! Baby A sounds like she’s doing fabulous. My A has now stopped rolling from tummy to back and seems in no hurry to start again, lol. I am so sorry to hear of your losses but excited that you found a provider you’re comfortable with. Love that it’s in home but then, I’m totally biased about that, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RJ Post author

      Thank you! Yeah the rolling is not everyday and I’m wondering if she will stop too.

      As for in-home day care, there is no other way to go for us! My sis-in-law runs an in-home daycare (not near-by sadly) so I think we are a bit biased as well. I’m nervous that her crappy napping will be a problem but we shall see! I think I’m mostly just nervous to go back to work and leave her!



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